A few articles and other material that came in handy...
The Drucker Foundation : The Leader of the Future, 1996, Jossey-Bass Publishers
Senge PM, “Leading Learning Organizations : The Bold, The Powerful and the Invisible”
Blanchard K, “Turning the organizational pyramid upside down”
The Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice, 2010, Harvard Business Publishing
Conger, J A, “Leadership Development Interventions”
Chatman J A and Kennedy J A, “Psychological perspectives on leadership”
Guillen, M F, “Classical Sociological Approaches to the Study of Leadership”
Javidan M, Dorfman PW, Howell JP and Hanges PJ, “Leadership and Cultural Context : A theoretical and empirical examination based on project Globe”
Lorsch J, “A contingency theory of Leadership”
Porter M E, Nohria N, “What is Leadership : The CEOs role in large, complex organizations”
Zupan M A, “An Economic Perspective to Leadership”
Harvard Business Review on Breakthrough Leadership
Goleman D, Boyartzis R, MsKee A, 2001, “Primal leadership”
Collingwood H, 2001, “Personal histories : Leaders remember the moments and people that shaped them”
Harvard Business Review on Motivating People, 2003, Harvard Business School Press
Herzberg F, 2003, “One more time : How do you motivate employees ?”
Manville B, Ober J, 2003, “Beyond Empowerment : Building a company of citizens”
McClelland D C and Burnham D H, 2003, “Power is the great motivator”
Nicholson N, 2003, “How to motivate your problem people”
Harvard Business Review on The Mind of the Leader, 2005, Harvard Business School Press
Maccoby M, 2000, “Narcissist Leaders : The incredible pros, the inevitable cons”
Coutu D L, 2004, “Putting Leadership on the Couch : A conversation with Manfred FR Kets de Vries”
Zaleznik A, 1977, “Managers and Leaders : Are they different ?”
Kellerman B, 2004, “Leadership - Warts and All’
Goleman D, 1998, “What makes a leader”
HBR’s 10 must reads on Leadership, 2011, Harvard Business School Publishing
Kotter J P, 1990, “What leaders really do”
Collins J, 2001, “Level 5 leadership”
Ancona D, Malone T W, Orlikoswki W J, Senge P M, 2007, “In praise of the incomplete leader”
Goffee R and Jones G, 2000, “Why should anyone be led by you”
George B, Sims P, McLean A N, Mayer D, 2007 “Discovering your authentic leadership”
TED Videos
On Line Magazines
Knowledge @ Wharton
Useem M, 2011, “Mission Critical: 15 Principles to Help Leaders Meet Their Toughest Challenges”
Adam G, 2010, “Analyzing Effective Leaders: Why Extraverts Are Not Always the Most Successful Bosses”, November 2012
Deloitte CEO Barry Salzberg on “Leadership as 'the Norm, Not the Exception'”, May 2011
MIT Sloan Improvisations
Ginka Toegel and Jean-Louis Barsoux, “How to Become a Better Leader”, Spring 2012
McKinsey Quarterly
Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, “How leaders kill meaning at work”, January 2012
Joanna Barsh, Josephine Mogelof, and Caroline Webb,”How centered leaders achieve extraordinary results”, 2010
Other online documents and reading material