Lecturers make all the difference - specially when doing programs through distance learning. Even when we were in school, you either loving or hating a subject had a lot to do with the teachers you encountered. Needless to say, for older students like me, getting back 'to the groove' is tough going - and with RKC, the fact that the lecturers/tutors were accommodative proved to be a huge plus.
We don't know any of our tutors personally - so my perceptions of each tutor is just that - my perception.
Dr Radu was the first tutor I came into contact with. Out of all the tutors I have had during the program, he proved to be the most easy going, and the most 'chilled out' which was probably the best for the first class I was to take. He was very accommodative - extremely friendly and very very appreciative and empathetic about my plight as a student who had not taken formal studies for nearly 15 years. He was very helpful in finding reading material - and his feedback at the mid point of the session helped me immensely. Even though my transcript was bad (I know it was !) he did not make me feel small, rather, encouraged me to look at things differently, and do what it takes to get a good result.
Prof. Duffil seemed more formal in comparison to Dr. Radu - he was my second tutor. However, even Prof Duffil was friendly and accommodative - but there was no doubt in my mind that he 'meant business'. Prof Duffil was thorough. Uncompromising about the content. Quick to respond to anything that was sent to him, and extremely detailed and pointed in the feedback (which if I had taken to heart a little more, I would have ended with a better score !). He reminded me of my grade 5 math master ! Prof. Duffil's thoroughness about the subject is to be truly appreciated - if one actually reads the transcripts he corrects, there is no reason to ever get anything less that 65+ !
Dr. Benson too was a 'no nonsense' type. He was sharp, to the point, thorough and extremely knowledgable. He reviews were a reflection of his preparedness and breadth. Doing the topic I probably enjoyed the most in the program, Dr. Benson offered it a poignant touch, and an astute critique. I have changed much of the paradigms I held about leadership under his tutelage, and believe students can gain a lot from him if they engage in the forums.
Dr. Damry was probably the tutor I enjoyed the most. His wit and humor - and razor sharp critique, blended with the affability of a loving grand dad was a queer combination. He was a living paradox : tough, yet extremely encouraging at the same time. I loved the comments he made in red on our posts, and basked in the warmth of his glowing tributes when we did well. Again, if you are to make the most of him, you need to truly immerse in the topic - and contribute avidly to the forum.
Overall - I wish I had tutors like this for my Undergraduate Studies too - I hated most of my tutors during my UG studies - and actually skipped some of their classes ! It was refreshing to have tutors who truly knew their work - and was also committed to seeing us through the program - not merely 'lecturing'.
THANK YOU to all 4 of my tutors. You have taught me much - and for all you have done, my gratitude and thanks. If I got low marks, it is a reflection of my poor effort - not their standard of teaching, focus or encouragement.
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