Sunday, May 13, 2012

Robert Kennedy College - First Impressions

My first introduction to RKC was not a positive one.  Having paid up in April I found out to my dismay that I had to wait till June to commence the program - and that all I could do was the orientation.  Being extremely gung-ho about all of it - and rearing to go this was a let down - and I must admit I was forlorn and annoyed !  However, the age old saying that 'everything happens for the better' proved to be correct once again, and this initial three month period proved to be an excellent opportunity for me to meander through the self learning platform and orient myself for the work ahead without the pressure of deadlines and assignments.

It was a difficult adjustment.  Working on line was not my cup of tea.  I was a 'books' person - and loved to sit on my ancient chair (passed down the family for three generations) and read - not be at the computer 'flicking' through an imaginary book !  The more I worked on the PC the more I began to be frustrated : and internet speeds did not help either.  Our internet service providers suck here in Sri Lanka - and without proper bandwidths the whole thing became monstrously difficult to navigate and maneuver.

The only thing that made it 'tolerable' was the immense support I got from Mitra and all the others whom I would have been a bother to.  The team at RKC were extremely customer centric, and patient.  They probably had my 'type' before : and I must admit I hated being such a pain - but I honestly had no other options either.

Slowly but surely, I started to get the hang of things, and I must admit, it started growing on me : and by the time the lectures hit - I was ready...

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