Saturday, November 17, 2012

Robert Kennedy College - Finish Strong

Nick's videos has been a source of great inspiration to me personally, and I use them a fair bit for my motivational speeches.  

As I come to the end of my program, I am inspired by this message - finish strong.  I have had nearly a week of no sleep - because I have been working on the dissertation at night, due to work commitments in the last quarter.  Having work almost every day till the 13th of December, and not wanting to wait until the very last minute, I started working from 8.00pm - 3.00pm on week days and almost a full day on Sunday to finish off the dissertation : and yet, with all this, I am not a 100% happy with the end result...

For everyone who is doing the dissertation with me, good luck - and may I see all of you along with myself at Graduation in November 2013 !

Finish strong guys !